Romantic Evergreen Escape
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Book the perfect romantic getaway at Atlanta Evergreen Lakeside Resort inside of Stone Mountain Park, just 20 minutes away from Atlanta airport. Share lakeside and mountainside views, breakfast daily in The Waterside Restaurant, chilled champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries. Designed for couples to create lasting memories.

Romantic Escape Package
Romantic Escape Package Includes:
- Overnight Accommodations at Atlanta Evergreen Lakeside Resort
- All American Breakfast Daily in The Waterside Restaurant
- Chilled Bottle of Sparkling Wine (Delivered to Room)
- House-Made Chocolate Dipped Strawberries (Delivered to Room)
Add dinner to enhance the romance!
While not included in the package, reservations are suggested for dining and can be made at our on-site restaurant, The Waterside or nearby at our Stone Mountain Golf Club restaurant The Commons.
The Commons at Stone Mountain Golf Club Reservations